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Wisp Back Issues September/October 2015 and back to September/October 2014


Vibe Protection (by Alison Bird)

Also ...

A Requiem to Sylvester, the rooster

(by Shirley Coker)

Two famous actors advocate for humane treatment to chickens


A Story of Animal Healing (by T Stokes)

8 ways to tell if you're truly compassionate

What if you could make all your problems disappear ... then what? (by Erin Pavlina)

4 Reasons to Eat More Cucumber

Men vs. Women


How to Be Happy: Mental Secrets for Contentment (by Al Fry)

Also ...

A Dog Named Ranger (excerpt from the book by Ann Ulrich Miller)

Happiness is Your Birthright

(by John Cali)

Solar energy tax credit expiring soon

How to make a compost bin for your garden

Book Corner (Man Shoes and

Sumbally Fallacy)

Remedies for Common Ailments

Fruit and Berry Sugars Treat Infections

Think You Know Everything?


Make the most of your garden with a simple greenhouse (from Freedom Writers Publishing)

Also ...

Spring Clean-up on 'Da Farm' (by Shirley Coker)

Church Ladies with Typewriters

Our Family Vacation Out West 

(by Ann Ulrich Miller)

What to do when someone you love may be hurting you (by Erin Pavlina)

Back to some basics in healing (by Al Fry)

Eulogy to a Dog (by John Cali)

Home Schooling


Harbinger of Spring: The American Robin

(by AnnUlrich Miller)

Also ...

Cows Are Loose! (by Shirley Coker)

Are vaccines really necessary?

(by Marty Ulrich)

The Dietary Fat Controversy (Earth Talk)

How to Detoxify (by Marty Ulrich)

Martians Are Coming!

How to Upgrade Water (by Al Fry)

Unlimited Abundance is Yours

(by John Cali)

Women's Vocabulary

Humor: Tried of the snow yet?

Recipes and Homemade Toothpaste


Amusing to Profound: My Conversations with Animals (excerpts from the book by Suzanne Ward)


Also ...

The Soldier and the Squirrel

Road Names

To Go Solar ... Or Not

Cat Instruction Manual

12 Rules of Life

Those Wonderful Orts (by Al Fry)

Dealing with Winter Weather

Eccentric Pets (by Anthony Raby)

Who is the Love of Your Life?

(by John Cali)



Welcome to our very first issue!


Articles ... For the Love of Animals ...

Animals Do Communicate

Affirmations for a Happy Summer

The Art of Friendliness (by a Mentori)

Concerns About Genetically Modified Foods

List of Monsanto ompanies

Things You'd Never Know ...

Cats & You (by Caroline Connor)

How to Help Others Listen

My White Duck (by Ann Ulrich Miller)

A Dog Story

Homemade Bread & Cobbler Recipes



The Holidays: A Special Time

Also ...

Does your gratitude have conditions?

A Wheelchairs for Lauren

(by Sharon R. Hunter)

Stay Healthy This Winter

Triviality: Sorting through the Junk Mail of Life (by Ann Ulrich Miller)

Write Your Own Story (by Erin Pavlina)

The B L T

The Compatibility of Dogs (by Al Fry)

Retiree Ramblings

Baby Skulls and Fowl Odors (Review)

Dr. Tom Dooley, An American Hero

Laws They Don't Teach in Physics

Detox 101: 5 Ways to Love Your Liver


Mission Statement

WISP is published six times a year (January, March, May, July, September and November) by EARTH STAR PUBLICATIONS, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418. Ann Ulrich Miller, Editor & Publisher. Our goal is to celebrate life, love, health, abundance, friendship, fun and spiritual values with good cheer through stories, humor, photos, art, recipes, helpful hints and news of a positive, nurturing nature. Ours is a publication that honors all life, in every form, shape, color and creed. Our motivation is to provide an "elixir of life" through words that uplift and bring contentment and joy into more lives.


We will be happy to consider printing your submissions of "good" news, tips, humor, recipes, memoirs and inspiration. The deadline for articles is the 15th of the month preceding each upcoming issue. Submit your writing by email to or mail to WISP, c/o EARTH STAR PUBLICATIONS, P.O. Box 267, Eckert, CO 81418.


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