from the September / October 2016 WISP
Here at Sunny Brook it has taken several weeks of hard work to settle in after our move in May,
but we are starting to reap the rewards of country living.
The garden I planted has blossomed into a bountiful crop of vegetables and fruits, thanks
to the Colorado sunshine, the heavy winter snowpack coming off the Grand Mesa, and irrigation
water from our well. I have been too busy to write books with all the outside work going on this summer.
The chickens are growing and are now two and a half months old, though it looks like we
may have two or three extra roosters I didn't bargain for. We lost our beautiful little white Polish
hen to a hawk about a month ago.
Since then, Doug and I have been erecting a canopy of netting over the chicken run, which includes our fruit orchard ... a tedious, frustrating task. But it looks like the decoy owl we purchased (with its rotating head) works because there have been no songbirds daring to visit the fruit trees like there were just a week ago. Now, if only the aerial predators will react in the same way!
Grandson Vorian was here for an overnight in July, and while we were kicking the soccer ball around in the south pasture, he attracted a new friend, a grasshopper, that insisted on clinging to Vorian's ear!
The kids have now moved to Grand Junction and will be closer to us, so I will get to see my grandson more often.
Green beans were delicious, but I am sorry I didn't plant more of them because they don't last long and I was only able to freeze a couple of bags.
Cucumbers will be something else, however. I planted more of those than anything else, and now cucumbers are going wild. That means pickles!
Canning has been an ongoing project as different fruits and vegetables have come into season. We had apricots this year -- lots of them! -- so I canned several pints of apricots. Next came the red plums, so I made jelly and then canned some of the fruit whole. I was also able to grow some prolific red beets, so last week I canned pickled beets.

The peaches are bountiful this year, and I've done four flats of delicious Colorado peaches. We have pear trees as well, and grapes. The apple trees didn't do too well this year, there are plenty of neighbors to trade produce with in the Brookdale Subdivision.
Life is good!
The Value of Alone Time
from the September/October 2016 WISP By Jelaila Starr
Recently I was led to look at a couple of Web sites that I had not seen before. They both speak of this time as being one of shifting, as in shifting into or onto offshoots of our current timeline.
These offshoots act much like "on ramps" of a freeway, leading us to high elevations on our journey of ascension.
Going a bit further, when stellar alignments occur, coupled with increased solar activity while, at the same time our solar system moves through certain areas of space, we have acceleration opportunities through portal or stargate openings. These opportunities allow us to access higher levels of "on ramps," thus accelerating our ascension. We are in such a time, and will be through the Equinox in September.
It's crazy out there!
In addition to the stargate and portal openings with their intense energies, there is the near insanity we see in the world, especially in the US with our bizarre presidential election process. Add to that more "terrorist" attacks couples with fanning flames of racism, and it's no wonder we are struggling to keep ourselves together.
I don't know about you, but I've been struggling to keep myself together, especially the last several weeks. I tend to forget that if I fail to monitor my energy expenditures, I can so easily become unbalanced.
Well -- I haven't been monitoring very much and it's happening. (Aargh!)
In the last month, with everything on my plate (family, work, dogs, volunteering, etc.), having alone time has taken a backseat. When I did try to do it, the results were minimal, resulting in only a few hours of focus concentration.
Consequently, I'm feeling the effects: dropping things, pouring chicken broth (meant for the dogs' food) into my coffee instead of cream, stumbling, running into screen doors ... oh yeah, it's bad!
Having that alone time it critical now. Being able to decompress and feel all the feelings that we've squirreled away is a must. Without it, we soon feel scatter-brained, unable to focus and concentrate. This, as many of you know, can be financially costly.
The Lucky Charm
Being scatter-brained may not be the worst consequence we face. I think the greatest consequence is the loss of good luck.
With good luck we receive blessings in the form of physical healing, good opportunities, financial windfalls; all the stuff that miracles are made of.
In my experience, good luck stems from the consistent output of joy and gratitude, appreciation and just plain happiness over an extended period of time.
When we take our alone time, it allows us to feel those feelings, because we have the time to reflect on the day or days past, sorting and sifting through the events, feeling all the things that occurred. We have the time to get in touch with all those feelings, which then enables us to send out a load of good vibes.
So yesterday I decided to stop, just stop. I went to my room (my sanctuary) and shut the door. It's the one place in my house that is totally private, the one place where I can be alone ... to ground, feel my feelings and just decompress. Today I feel more grounded, a little more in touch, but I know I'm not done. I have a lot more to process.
In closing, taking time to be alone and feel is important, now more than ever.l By taking alone time each day, we ensure that we will make it through this final ascension phase, being able to take advantage of the acceleration oppirtunities, while keeping our sanity intact and good luck flowing.
Okay, I'm off to my room now.
Until next time, be well and wonderful!
Jelaila Starr is an author and Intuitive Counselor with the Nibiruan Council. Follow her on Facebook.