March 2019 Articles
4 Reasons Why You Can't Manifest What You Want
by Erin Pavlina
I was doing a reading for a client recently who was confused as to why he was able to manifest one thing he desired very quickly, but was having trouble manifesting other things he desired equally as much.
His guides explained why some things take longer than others to manifest, and I think it's good information to share with everyone, so let;'s go over the four reasons you have not yet manifested what you want.
You Don’t Really Desire It
Sometimes we say we want something, but we really don’t. For example, I had a client who told me he really wanted to take some college course because he felt it would make him more marketable in his field. But time and time again something happened to cause him not to sign up for the classes. He missed the deadline, or he “accidentally” spent the money on something else, or the class he wanted simply wasn’t at a good time, etc.
His guides suggested to him that he didn’t actually want to take the classes, he just wanted to be more marketable and earn a higher income. He admitted this was true, and his guides found other ways to help him earn more income.
If you are finding it tough to manifest some-thing you think you want, ask yourself if you really truly want it. Sometimes we want the result, but we don’t want to take the actions required to obtain it. Be honest with yourself.
You Are Not in Control of the Outcome
Let’s use the example of two sports teams. Each team wants to win. Each player is committed to winning the game. You’ve got desires from both teams to obtain the exact same outcome, but only one team will actually win the game. Whose desire is going to manifest? Team 1 or Team 2?
Sometimes you have a desire that seems perfectly obtainable to you, but there are opposing desires involved as well. When you are in competition with someone for the exact same prize, only one person or team will manifest their desire.
In the case of an athlete, winning a game is not necessarily under his control. What is under his control is to play as hard as he can, to use the best equipment he can find, to help support his team mates as best he can, to listen to the instructions of his coach, to get a good night’s sleep the night before the game, to eat healthy foods that will energize him, and to play with safety in mind so he doesn’t injure himself and have to leave the game early.
If you are having trouble manifesting a desire, ask yourself if there is someone or something opposing you that has the same strong will and desire you do. Then all you can do is stack the deck in your favor and hope for a favorable outcome.
You Are Not Willing to Take the Necessary Action to Obtain It
Setting the goal or desire is the easy part. Obtaining it requires action. You must take actions aligned with achieving your desired outcome or the Universe has no vehicle with which to bring you your desires. A case in point …
I was talking to a woman who told me she had set the intention to get millions of dollars. She just knew it was going to manifest because she wanted it SO badly. She told her angels, guides, and the Universe to bring it to her and she would be so grateful and use the money to help others; an altruistic goal, to be sure.
I asked her if she had bought a lottery ticket. “No,” she replied. I asked her if she had entered a contest. “No,” she replied.
I asked her if she was going to inherit a large sum of money, or if she was married to someone who was earning millions of dollars a year, or if she was a bank robber. “No” was her response to all questions.
I asked, “So how are you supposed to get the millions of dollars?”
She said, “That’s for my guides to figure out. That’s their problem.”
When you are unwilling or unable to take actions to support your desire, you are basically locking the door, but expecting something to come through anyway. If you are not willing to take action, neither is the Universe. Show the Universe you are on board by taking consistent action towards the goal. It will then be able to send resources, people and experiences to you that will help manifest your desire.
You’ve Set an Unrealistic Goal
In order to manifest a goal or desire, you must believe it is possible. If you can’t imagine obtaining it, you cannot hold the energy necessary to receive it. For example, if your goal is to be able to fly like Superman or shoot lasers out of your eyes, but deep in your heart you feel this is not possible, you will block this from manifesting. If you don’t believe it’s possible, neither will the Universe.
I remember a conversation I had with a client many years ago.
He said, “If the Law of Attraction is real, all I have to do is wish for something and it will come to me, right?”
I said, “What are you trying to manifest?”
He said, “I’ve set an intention to earn 82 million dollars this year.”
I said, “What are you earning right now?”
He said, “$500 a month.”
I said, “Do you actually believe it’s possible to go from earning $500 a month to earning 82 million dollars in one year?”
He said, “No, but I don’t have to believe it. I just have to want it, right?”
I told him to set a realistic goal and work on that so that he would have a successful experience which he could then parley into a greater success the next year, and so on.
Set a realistic goal for yourself because believing you can obtain it is an important variable of the manifesting equation.
The bottom line on manifesting what you desire comes down to wanting what you say you want, working within your capabilities, taking necessary action to obtain what you desire, and setting a goal that excites you and feels possible.
Erin Pavlina is a highly gifted intuitive counselor who connects with your spirit guides to provide you information and insights that will help you on your path. Get clarity, assistance and direction that will lead you to a happier and more fulfilling life. Visit Erin’s website at www.erinpavlina.com.
Wispy Words
Attraction vs. Distraction
by Ann Ulrich Miller
from the March 2019 Wisp
Many years ago I learned about the Law of Attraction and how it can affect your life. I believe that having an understanding of how this works is key to having a happier life. The premise is simple: We can attract into our lives whatever we focus on. This can be negative or positive or anywhere in between. Distraction is also something that can help or hinder.
The mind is a powerful instrument of our being. The Creator made us in His image, and we were given the ability to translate our thoughts and materialize them into our reality. This has nothing to do with hiding your head in the sand when things around you are falling apart. It has everything to do with becoming a happier and more productive human being, and it may even extend your lifespan.
It is said that all thoughts turn into things eventually. You may think this concept of manifesting is instantaneous, but in most cases it is not. Yet I have experienced change in a short amount of time whenever I decide to change my attitude and quit dwelling on those things in life that are downright “yucky.” Now I could have used another superlative to describe that concept, but I’ve noticed that most of the time when I run a “potty mouth,” it just leads to bad things spiraling out of control, and this is probably due to the fact that saying those cuss words out loud makes them come into form, literally!
Have you ever noticed the difference when you are around other people who want only to talk about everything that is wrong with our world, compared to being in the company of people who are truly enjoying the gifts God has given them? Happy people accept the fact that there are things in this world that are evil and disgusting, and yet they choose to focus on what is good in this world. As a result, they seem to live happier lives, more peaceful lives, and they have more energy than someone who is down in the dumps all of the time. Plus, it is my belief that by focusing on loving thoughts rather than resentful, hateful thoughts, brings a positive resolution to any problem, even if it doesn’t happen right away.
If you’re ever wondering why it is you’re alone so much, or your friends don’t contact you anymore ... maybe, just maybe it has something to do with that aura of negativity that hangs around you like a cloud blotting out the sun. Who wants to be in the company of someone who just always complains? You don’t want to dwell on it because it runs down your emotional and spiritual batteries, but they just won’t shut up or be thankful for all the good things there are in life.
The Law of Attraction is a universal law, and if you take it seriously, you will find that it really does work. If you are wondering why you’re having such a terrible time in your life, nobody wants to be around you, you’re in a bad mood all the time, and things just seem to get worse and worse ... it can’t hurt to give yourself a chance to turn off the negativity machine and start focusing on what it is you really want in your life. That is the key ... focusing and getting excited about something that makes you happy. The more you dwell on how you would like things to be, the faster you are attracting it into your life.
You’ll be absolutely amazed at the difference it makes, and astounded at how quickly good things return to your life. When you reject the dark thoughts and project life-enhancing emotions with gratitude and joy for the gift of life you were given, and the wonderful people that surround you, you begin to understand the concept that God presented us with: Creating our own reality!
The first step toward this new life is going to be giving up your victimhood. Too many people nowadays have fallen into the trap of becoming a victim and blaming others for their lot in life, whether it’s family, ex-partners, the government, or illness ... by falling into that pit of declaring yourself a victim only compounds the problem and keeps you a prisoner of your own doing.
Have you ever been around someone who keeps touting how they have P.T.S.D., or they are autistic, or they come from a broken family, or they blame some other means of entrapment in order to not have to face the truth about themselves? The blame game will get you nowhere. Victimhood is not an ingredient for winning sympathy from others, and will never bring you the joy that is your birthright.
Of course, no one is perfect and we all have bad days. We get into moods and we want to take it out on others, or lash out against ourselves in some way. Maybe you were triggered by somebody else going through a bad time and now you are “spiraling” out of control. What can you do?
One option is to go into another room where you can be alone for a few minutes, or go for a walk outside, or lie down and relax with some soothing music. Meditate or pray ... center yourself and flood your spirit with love. Forgive yourself, and forgive anyone else whom you blame for contributing to your “bad day.” You will be surprised how quickly that negative cloud will lift and you can carry on with your goal for achieving a happier life, a more peaceful existence, despite all the woes of the world and the perceived deception.
Turn off the news, focus on nature, find comfort in a Bible verse, pet your dog or cat, call a friend or a relative on your cell phone just to say hello and let them know you care about them. The difference it will make is evidence of the Law of Attraction and how it can enhance and improve your life and those around you.
For more information on this, I would recommend the Abraham Speaks series, which can probably be found on the Internet. Finding peace in your life is worth your weight in gold, while dwelling on the negativity that bombards us every minute of every day will only lead you to an early grave. It’s worth your while to give this some thought.
Get my latest suspense thriller, The Dream Chasers, available for $15 from Earth Star, PO Box 267, Eckert CO 81418, or on Amazon. The audiobook will be out this spring.