Features from the May/June 2016 issue
Creative Manifestation Works!

By Ann Ulrich Miller
Well, it took a while ... almost six years for me to finally manifest my Dream.
A year ago, I began to doubt it was real. I came to the conclusion that maybe I was spinning my wheels for nothing. Patience had worn thin and expectations had all but vanished as the Dream appeared to be slipping away.
After Doug and I returned to Colorado last October, we resumed our search for a permanent home. We still carried the thoughts of how we wanted it to be, and how I had written up the "order" in my Creative Manifestation letter in June 2010. I had lost faith in it, and was starting to look for "lesser dreams" in my depseration and impatience..
But then a miracle occurred in March. As a last resort, the two of us took a four-day trip over the mountains to check out Ridgway, a beautiful small town cradled at the base of the northern San Juans, hoping there still might be an affordable place for us. We were soon discouraged by the greedy home prices and the much higher elevation. We then drove to Cedaredge, a lovely little town at the base of the Grand Mesa outside Delta, Colo., where I lived with my family in the '80s.
We looked at real estate with our agent, and actually saw several places in the country that we liked which were affordable. The one we liked best was, of course, the highest priced, but had almost all of the amenities listed in my Creative Manifestation letter. To make a long story short, we decided to go ahead and make an offer. We were able to knock the asking price down a bit, and now we are just one week away from moving into our Dream and at least embarking on the adventure of living our Golden Years in a home we are purchasing together.
I named our new acreage "Sunny Brook." The large home is in the country (on two acres) with beautiful trees, a garden, pastures and outbuildings so I can have chickens, and views of the mountains.
So how does one manifest a Dream like this? You start with a piece of paper and put down today's date. Then you begin by writing, "It is the year 20__ (a year from now, or whenever)." Then you describe your Dream as if it is happening now. You should explain why it is you want to manifest this Dream, and exactly what is included in it. You then give the specific details about how you arrived at this point in your future, and it's important to include all the sensory details with as much vivid description as you can imagine.
The important thing is to compose this visualization in the present. Remember, you are creating your future. You need to describe it in detail and give it feeling. The next most important ingredient to manifesting your Dream is believing that it is actually happening ... and probably even more important than that is being grateful.
You will know your Dream is manifesting when you no longer have to force it to reveal itself. You will notice synchronicities (names, numbers, coincidences) that will confirm to you that your choice is right. And then everything will start to come together rather quickly.
Ann Ulrich Miller is the editor and publisher of WISP and The Star Beacon. Her latest novel is In the Shadow of the Tower (written under the name Ann Carol Ulrich, available from Earth Star Publications.) Visit her Author page at AnnUlrichMiller.com
The Deeper Spiritual Purpose of Pets by Robert Schwartz
The process of placing our energy within a body, and in so doing forgetting that we are vast, majestic, Divine Beings made literally from the energy of Unconditional Love, is akin to being struck on the head by a heavy tree branch and rendered unconscious, only to awaken with no memory whatsoever.
What would happen if you actually had such an experience? All who love you, each member of your family, every dear friend, would come to your side and express great love for you. Though you would recognize none of them, their powerful outpouring of concern and affection would touch you deeply.
You would conclude that only a truly loving person could be so beloved. And in that instant of realization, you would know, beyond any doubt, your true nature.
Such is the role pets play in our lives. In my new book, Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, I share the story of Marcia, who chose before coming into body to be a dwarf. In this lifetime Marcia is but 1.4 meters (less than 5 feet) tall. Marcia knew before she was born that people would reject and dismiss her because of her height, and she chose this difficult experience to foster her spiritual growth.
She then built into her courageous plan a safeguard: she would always have the unconditional love of her pets. These animals are part of her pre-birth planning session. Her future dogs (Dusty, Brutus), cats (Snowflake, Goofy, Willie), rooster (Crooked Beak), and horse (Cheetah) all pledged in her planning session to support and care for her even when her fellow humans do not. Because she also planned to be clairaudient in this lifetime, Marcia has always been able to hear her pets’ thoughts when they communicated with her.
Just as people with amnesia do not remember those who were in their lives before the forgetting, so, too, do we not recall the pets who were with us before we were born. Yet, our pets come to our side and express their great love for us, reminding us daily that only we who are Love could be so beloved. And they remind us not only that we are loved, but also that we are worthy of love.
When Marcia came home from school and cried over the cruel words from the other children, Dusty was there to tell her she was perfect, that she “could always come home, and I would be there, and I would love you.” Cheetah also reminded Marcia that she was worthy of love: “It doesn’t matter what they say. Look what you and I can do together! Get on! Let’s go!” And so they would ride like the wind, the smallest of children on the largest of horses, both free and safe, in love with life and each other.
Too, pets bring healing. Indeed, our animal companions are master healers, in part because they embody love in an entirely nonthreatening form. The clear absence of threat creates within us a willingness to receive healing.
We may fear accepting love from another person, but Marcia had no such fear with Brutus or Snowflake. When Marcia’s mother lay ill in the hospital, Brutus — tail wagging and big ears flopping — was a healing balm for Marcia’s heavy heart. When Marcia’s mother returned Home, it was Snowflake who healed Marcia’s grief, saying, “My job with her is done. Now I need to take care of you.”
How do pets heal us? There is no greater healing power in the Universe than that of unconditional love. Yet, beyond unconditional love, pets heal by transmuting energies. Even when we feel weak and small, our pets still come to us for care and so remind us that we are strong enough, capable enough to provide it.
Even when we are enmeshed in anger or blame, they sit joyfully at our side, radiating contentment and instilling peace within us. When we feel shame, guilt, or unworthiness, they look at us and see only perfection. Our pets see us as light, the light of which we are literally made, the light we knew ourselves to be before we were born. When we lose sight of our magnificence, they remind us of it.
Sometimes a loved one, even a spirit guide, will incarnate as a pet because it is the best, and perhaps only, way to share a lifetime with us. I have a close friend who planned not to have children in this lifetime. A soul she loves and who loves her dearly incarnated as her dog, so they could complete the mother-daughter relationship they shared in a past life as Native Americans.
Both had been healers in other past lives, and they continued their healing work together in the current lifetime. My friend often brought her dog into healing sessions with clients, many of whom commented that they felt healed by the animal’s presence.
Ultimately, whether it’s Willie reminding Marcia to have fun, Goofy caring for Marcia and so healing her grief after Snowflake’s death, Brutus teaching compassion and kindness, Snowflake modeling independence, or Dusty, Cheetah, and Crooked Beak loving a little girl who just needed acceptance and friendship, each of these animals came to Marcia to love her and to receive her love.
When we choose to take human form on the physical plane, our primary intent is to learn how to give and receive love. We select Earth as the school in which we will learn this lesson because here there are teachers who have mastered it. We call them dogs and birds, cats and horses.
Yet, Love by any other name is still Love.
Robert Schwartz is the author of such books as Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born (previously titled Courageous Souls) and Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born. They explore the premise that we are all eternal souls who plan our lives, including our greatest challenges, before we’re born for purposes of spiritual growth. Visit his Web site at www.yoursoulsplan.com for more information.
Bird Talk with Jessica by Ann Ulrich Miller
When I lived in Pagosa Springs a few years ago, my across-the-street
neighbor was an elderly lady with indoor cats. She was religious and
probably knew that I wrote and published information about esoteric
subjects. I got vibes that told me she didn't like me much.
One summer day she chewed me out because "my cat" (Jessica) was
always over in her yard, hanging out in the bushes and catching birds. My neighbor had a wounded bird in her hand when she was telling me this. I was gettiing worked up and about to say something unkind ... but held back. I simply told my neighbor, "Jessica is a natural hunter and predator, and I don't think there is much I can do about it." Then I said I was sorry.
Later, I grew concerned that I might get into trouble with Animal Control or something, if the neighbor lady decided to report the problem. So I went home that evening and told Jessica we had to have a talk! She very leisurely spread herself down on the hardwood floor (on her belly) and I got down and laid on the floor in front of her, on my belly, with elbows propped, and told Jessica we had to have a serious discussion.
I then told her the situation with the neighbor lady and that Jessica needed to quit hunting birds or we would both get into trouble, and they might even take Jessica away from me. Jessica stared at me and seemed to absorb what I was telling her. I told her that catching rodents is perfectly okay, but that she shouldn't catch any more birds.
To be honest, I didn't think this was going to do any good, but I am telling you that she quit bringing bird carcasses into the house, and I saw no evidence of bird kills after our talk! I was truly amazed ... however, it wasn't long after that when the neighbor lady moved to New Mexico and Jessica went right back to her favorite pastime. She was an incredible cat.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Jessica now resides with a very nice lady named Kim. I very reluctantly gave her away when I was getting ready to move out of my house in Pagosa Springs, due to Doug's allergy. We have fond memories of Jessica and know she is enjoying a good life. I will never forget her.