Music Secrets
from the May 2019 Wisp
To understand how music can affect us it is necessary to point out that we
humans are a composite of a spirit and several non-physical "minds."
Our body runs on one of these minds with the brain as a switch box. It keeps us healthy on its vibrations in the delta range.
A second mind that works on a higher beta frequency came into our circuits when an alien intruder race interbred with our species and the animal species around us. Since our Creator set up our universe with a choice system, it became necessary to bring in a third mind on the alpha range for our newly acquired intelligence contamination.
This mind gives us a feeling of what is morally right or wrong when the alien beta mind fills our thoughts with self interest “tamper.” Since the intruders brought in their systems with the intention of enslaving our species with their false belief systems and control systems like music, we are never taught truth in their agendas.
Domination is their game and innocent agents like sugar get put into our diet to help keep us wound up and working in their systems at optimum levels. The choppy beta levels can even get helped along with the frantic music that their systems promote.
Never mind that the poor abused body gets ignored ... and often just shuts down with sickness to get some rest and quiet time in delta.
Where music fits in is when we constantly get bombarded with the frantic music that uses the usual mechanical and mathematical instruments served on digital equipment. This keeps us pumped up at work, but often pooped out afterwards.
Our body enjoys and thrives on delta-based instruments of natural products like wood, leather and reeds, wind blow by our lungs. Our alpha-based mind can act as a mediator to blend these minds to aid its primary musical instrument, which is the voice.
Have a popular vocalist or opera singer send out emotionally charged kinetic energy with their voice and we can get emotionally charged up ... without any later letdowns as in staying in beta too long.
Voices have this ability, and orators such as Hitler, can misuse this ability. With control of most of our world’s many systems, the intruder spirits and their pawns constantly try to prevent truth like this from surfacing. Their present change to digital systems from analog further blocked kinetic energy transference. The radios with tubes also gave a much better kinetic energy transference.
The story could continue, but I think the point about trying to balance our minds is easy to grasp, and further details on how well we are controlled is in works by authors such as David Icke.
Al Fry writes from Garden Valley, Idaho.
Feature Articles from May 2019
Wispy Words
What about all the good stuff?
by Ann Ulrich Miller
One of Earth Star’s authors, Karen Weinant Gallob, wrote a cozy mystery novel several years ago (2006) that is titled All the Bad Stuff Comes in Threes. The wise words are spoken by a matronly woman character, dear to everyone’s heart, who starts off the story by discovering a dead body in her chicken shed while she is trying to find a gift to take to the ladies’ club luncheon.
The irony is that Alma, who is forgetful at 90 years old, dismisses the body as just another nuisance, but she prides herself for remembering at the last minute to bring a gift to the club meeting.
I’ve been reminded of Karen’s wonderful story because lately I’ve had “three bad things” occur. First, my microwave quit; then my garage door opener stopped working, and the latest issue is that my septic tank is full and may have a blockage.
Another old saying goes, “When it rains, it pours.” Well, after the drought we suffered in the Western U.S. last summer, this year’s moisture and abundant snowfall is truly a blessing for us all.
Nobody likes to have bad luck. Everyone wishes good luck on friends and family. I’ve had a lot of good luck in my life and I’m grateful for all the good things that I can claim. That’s not to say that bad things never happen to me, because obviously they do. I’m sure this is true for you too.
Whenever stuff I don’t like happens, I go through the usual pouting stage, where I complain and tell anyone who will listen about my woes. It doesn’t solve the problem, of course. In order to quickly change my mindset, I thank God for all the good things in my life.
And as soon as I start counting all those blessings, whether they are the people in my life, the fact that I have a nice job and can afford modest things, plus all of the wonderful experiences I’ve had ... as soon as I acknowledge the good stuff, the bad stuff suddenly becomes menial ... and problems are resolvable.
Another old saying goes, “When God closes a door, he opens a window.” Well, that is only true if you actually go to the window and open it. In other words, you need to be assertive and proactive when you find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
I’ve seen it as much as anyone else. I went through a divorce in my 30s, lost a beloved husband while in my 50s, experienced being fired from a job I loved, faced rejection many times, and lived many years without a steady income. But what pulled me through the rough times was my attitude.
To turn things around when your life goes sour, you need to maintain an attitude of gratitude. As long as you keep focusing on all the good stuff, the bad stuff that happens soon dissipates and when you overcome those situations or events, you become much stronger because of it.
At the time of this writing, my microwave has been fixed, and my septic tank is scheduled to be pumped out and inspected during the first week of May. My garage door opener will be replaced within two more weeks, but in the meantime I can manually raise and lower it, so at least my car is inside at night.
There is so much good stuff in the world, despite all the bad stuff you hear about on the news and on line. This is what Wisp is about, after all, bringing you a variety of fun news and pictures to make you smile or think about things other than thoughts of hate or violence.
Focus on the positive and you will have positive things happen. It’s as simple as that.
Ann Ulrich Miller, publisher of Wisp and The Star Beacon, writes novels for young people and adults. Her latest novel is The Dream Chasers, an adult thriller/romance set in southern Colorado. She recently returned with her partner, Doug, from a week n Pagosa Springs, where they met in 2009.