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Good times should be celebrated

The tide is turning. On one hand, life is getting better. On the other hand, some things are not. Life is a lot like the ocean with its ebb and flow, its currents, its storms and its calm.

Right now my own life seems to be improving after many years of turmoil and indecision. Some people believe in bad luck, but I see life as a flow of both good and bad, and you learn how to deal with the storms while basking in the calm seas when you can.

It's hard for many people to accept change. The age we live in is evolving so rapidly with technology that unless you can learn how to operate with that technology and keep up with sometimes daily change, you're going to feel lost in the storm of the cyber world.

Then you will find yourself at the mercy of others -- much younger others, those who seem to have been born with the cyber gene and know how to program iPhones and operate computers practically at birth.

Fortunately, I've been in an occupation where computers made the work easier, and thus I willingly learned to master the needed programs and continually kept learning new ways of doing old jobs. But I don't want to focus on technology right now, I want to get back to the subject and why life is better for me right now.

Two months ago I returned to the work force after being out for 10 years. I was fortunate to be rehired by a company that I worked for 20 years ago, and it has been a blast, to tell you the truth. Sure, there have been a lot of changes, and the technology has improved across the board -- which took a little getting used to. But being back at a job where I can be of service to the public and use my skills has been such a high for me.

I was literally "retired," but my widow's pension just was not enough to live on, and with my current partner and I going our separate ways in life, a part-time job was exactly what I needed right now. Ever since I started working again, the seas have calmed and my luck has been getting better with each passing day.

Last year, Mother's Day was a big disappointment. There's no sense dwelling on that because this year's Mother's Day was so very wonderful. It superseded my Christmas, as a matter of fact, which should give you some indication that things were not going well for me over the winter holidays.

And I am very hopeful about a new home coming available to me. I should know within a week's time what is going to happen with that. It seems that good things continue to happen when I'm following my path. And I feel I am on the right path right now.

Not being on the right path can be an important learning experience, however. I do not regret the so-called "mistakes" that have occurred in my life. Those learning experiences had bright spots, for sure, but when it's time to get back on track, you'd better pay attention and DO IT ... or you risk getting dragged down by the under tow.

There is no need to feel guilty

for those who are less fortunate during the time you are celebrating good times. Embrace the joy and celebrate your accomplishments, your successes and the little things that happen that bring you satisfaction and joy. What you focus on is what will continue to come into your life, so if you are dwelling on all of the nasty things going on around you, or in the world, and ignoring the wonderful new life of Spring with its blue skies, birdsong, flowering shrubs and warm breezes, you'll just caught in the storm.

Let go. Release the little things that bother you and embrace the joy and the hope for a better tomorrow. Then don't wait for tomorrow to come. Celebrate it NOW. Cling to the high tide and ride that wave all the way into the future.

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