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2022 Issue

Stellar Crystal Skulls:
Who is Kokopelli, the hump-backed flute player?

         He is said to be a fertility deity known as the mystical, mischievous, randy humpbacked flute player. He appears in Southwestern Native Art in all the tribes and the rock carvings. READ HERE


Sheri's Sixth Sense
The Day the Earth Stood Still

         Our correspondent shares "A Report: April 14, 1965: The Day the Earth Stood Still, the True Story of the 'Alien Treaty'" as presented by Dr. Richard J. Boylan. READ HERE


Message from Matthew
through Suzanne Ward

         "God Speaks to Earth's Peoples," the March Message from Suzy Ward's son, Matthew, who claims that "all major happenings are right on target with the divine plan to liberate Earth from all vestiges of darkness." (referring to Russia and Ukraine)


Selected by Extraterrestrials
(William Mills Tompkins)
by Marguerite Petersen

         Discussion based on an autobiographical book of the life of Tompkins, who is unusual because he was a young boy with an inquisitive attitude, enthusiasm and the capability to penetrate out into space by using the Navy to establish commerce with other civiliizatins in the galaxies.



         "Whistleblower exposes slave labor in US Air Force Secret Space Program" (an invitation to view Niara Terela Isley's interview with Michael Sala regarding her experiences during a Moon mission (NOT sci-fi!) with link to the interview on YouTube. (And more...)


Reader's Forum

        "Will Earth be another Maldeck?" from The Commander's Voice (Cary Dickey)


The Meaning of It All
"Things may not be what they seem"

        Ann Ulrich Miller's views on the world drama and how to keep ourselves from getting sucked into what may be a lot of false information provided to the public for the benefit of the New World Order ilk.  READ HERE


Why Does't God Stop Wars?
by Erin Pavlina

         An intuitive view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine that deserves careful thought. The author maintains that everything happening on Earth involves adtion and reaction, choice and consequences. READ HERE


Psychic Scams
by T Stokes

        Fakes, psychics, scammers, cold readers and other con artists do tremendous damage to the vulnerable and uneducated, and fake psychics are as busy as never before ... buyer beware!


Commander's Star Base
by Commander Sanni Ceto

        Q: Is there such a thing as having the Internet in space life and social media like how we have it on Earth?

       A: The Internet and social media are an early precursor to widespread telepathy on those worlds not advanced to all communication by telepathy. What might seem like Internet in space is used for remote and recon missions, similar to drones used on Earth ...  READ HERE

You Are Dearly Loved
Kryon (through Lee Carroll)
         Greetings. One of the things that's going to radically change when this event (COVID pandemic) is all over, is the accountability from those who inform you in the media.
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