Metaphysical Newsletter from Earth Star Publications
What's in the
February 2023 Issue

Asking for Signs in Your Dreams and Nature
by Christina Gerber
Do you look for signs in your dreams -- or in nature -- like I do? READ ARTICLE!
UFO DISC-ussion
by Ann Ulrich Miller
The Real Roswell Story? Epoch Times covers reports on UAPs. Elkhorn, Wisconsin Beast, and Area 50 Blogger Raided by FBI. READ ARTICLE!
Crystalline Stellar Skulls
Heart of Creation
Cosmic Insights from a Crystalline Stellar Skull
by Terra Rae
When I was first introduced to the Crystalline Stellar Skulls, a fabulous being named Devin showed up within a week. READ ARTICLE!
Reader's Forum
"Are Benevolent Aliens among us? ... Who Controls the Future of all beings?" ... from The Commander;s Voice, January edition. ALSO..."Important Message from the Galactic Federation of Light" channeled from Val Thor and received by Janet Doerr.
The Meaning of It All
Moving from Darkness into Light
by Ann Ulrich Miller
It is the end of January as I write this. I can's remember another time in my life when the first month of the year has been this depressing. READ ARTICLE!
Where do We Go From Here?
by June Deborah Meek
On January 8, I focused on the earth. I blended the white light fire, green, blue and violet rays and magnified them one billion times. Then sent it down to cover the entire surface of the earth. READ ARTICLE!
Crystalline Stellar Skulls: Blue King
by Terra Rae of "Team Earth"
On January 8, I focused on the earth. I blended the white light fire, green, blue and violet rays and magnified them one billion times. Then sent it down to cover the entire surface of the earth. READ ARTICLE!
Thoughts from Al
Nature's Little Detoxing Secrets
by Al Fry
At a time when the drug cartels and medical field have most of us at their mercy, let's explore some simple, inexpensive ways to turn the tables. After all, we Americans are shelling out the most money for health with the poorest returns on our money.
Commander's Star Base
by Commander Sanni Ceto
Q: Is Planet Earth unique, or are there other planets in different solar systems that are like what we have here? Are the people and animals on similar planets as 'messed up' as we are here?
A: Earth is not unique. Many other worlds exist in different solar systems, some at the same level in their evolution as Earth's, and others far more evolved than this Earth, which is a prison planet, where the vile deeds are left to play out as other don't seem to want to stop the destruction that the planet has to endure. READ ARTICLE!
What is Spiritual Healing?
by T Stokes
More than 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, known as the 'Father of Modern Medicine,' said, "The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting us well."
Conquer your fear of death and know that you are immortal
by John Cali
Would you want to live forever? The quest for the physical immortality seems to be consuming more and more people today. Our planet appears to be plunged into deep confusion and chaos. Why, then, would anyone want to live in that for endless years?
Message From Matthew
Earth's Vast Cleansing is in Progress
through Suzanne Ward
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many are sensing "The air feels super-charged with change!" and that is indeed an apt description of activity worldwide to eliminate darkness. Last year's noteworthy progress now is being escalated on Earth and beyond. TO READ MORE, VISIT MatthewBooks.com
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THE STAR BEACON, in publication since 1987, is published by EARTH STAR PUBLICATIONS in Eckert, Colorado (USA).
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