Metaphysical Newsletter from Earth Star Publications
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2022 Issue
Crystalline Stellar Skulls by Terra Rae of "Team Earth"
and Crystalline Stellar Skulls
Here are more potent Light Rays anyone can use. I have been having great fun with my Light Ray experiences and shared observations. We have been using these extraordinary Rays of Light in our advanced work, meditations, and teaching others for a long time. READ!
Wandering by June Deborah Meek
My earliest memory is of being in outer space, looking down at the earth. The planet was beautiful and awe inspiring. It would soon be my home, because my physical body was inside my mother's womb.
Sheri's Sixth Sense
Miriam, the Alaska Triangle & the Dark Pyramid
by Sheri Gould
Several years ago I received a "gift" from the caretaker of a friend, a retired Colonel who worked for decades in Air Force Intelligence's Office of Special Investigations (which deals with UFOs). Colonel Steve Wilson had recently died, and the caretaker went through his things and found a high-resolution glossy photo of an extraterrestrial woman from the third large moon of the brown dwarf star Altimar. READ!
Understanding the Current Chaos
by Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, ABH, IBRT
The entire purpose of Universal Law is unification. Replacing the phrase Universal Law with The Law of Love brings the purpose and intention into focus. At the time you are in adherence, you are in alignment with the Universal Law. This produces harmony with everybody's creation and manifestation.
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
CASTILLY HENGE — Cornwall, on the southern most tip of the United Kingdom, has long been the place to go for both UFO spotters and surfers of the waves. But recently, during vegetation removal, a previously lost stone circle — named Castilly Henge — came to light. READ!
Thoughts from Al — About Perceptions
by Al Fry
While most of us are under the delusion that we are about the most advanced species around, we are continually visited by species in their advanced craft far superior to our own. Hundreds of books are available on UFOs and the nature of perception beyond our own. So ... let me share my own views on some of this, in brief. ...
The Meaning of It All
Marching the the Beat of a Different Drummer
The editor discusses the importance of keeping up our spirits during these dark times on Earth. READ!
How to handle 'Muggles' who don't believe in Woo Woo topics
by Erin Pavlina
After I posted my article, "Leave People to Their Beliefs," a few people asked me how to handle family and friends who don't believe in or understand their belief in spirit guides, psychic abilities, and the afterlife.
Message from Matthew
by Suzy Ward (July 1, 2022)
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You have a saying that pertains to real estate — "It's all about location, location, location." In every location throughout this universe, it's all about vibrations, vibrations, vibrations. As we have said in previous messages, simply by BEing, you are radiating light's high vibrations, so let us speak about some of the developments you have been assisting.
Commander's Star Base
by Commander Sanni Ceto
Q: Is there a clock or certain time piece you would consider to be more accurate than the others??
A: Atomic clocks are the most accurate as were the older clocks in huge train stations and other places of commerce. Also a millennium or an anniversary clock is a good and fairly accurate time keeper ... READ!